Call to undefined function pg_connect()

When using coolstack and trying to connect to postgresql database from php script the following error appear:

Call to undefined function pg_connect() in somescript.php on line XX

The reason is default php configuration; php.ini doesn't know anything about postgresql extension, only mysql (finally, it's Solaris AMP - Apache MySQL PHP). To resolve the undesirable behaviour add:


to php.ini configuration.

Cool Stack 1.2
Default file location:


ZFS dataset inside a non-global zone

To achieve the usage of global ZFS dataset inside a non-global zone you have to set the zoned attribute to on. It could be done during the dataset creation (zfs create -o zoned=on DATASET) or after the creation process:

zfs set zoned=on DATASET

Without this option the zone startup process will fail, ex.

sunflower [/]# zoneadm -z samba boot
zoneadm: zone 'samba': These file-systems are mounted on subdirectories of /export/zones/samba/root:
zoneadm: zone 'samba': /export/zones/samba/root/export/vol1
zoneadm: zone 'samba': call to zoneadmd failed