All of them are related to mappings file rules.
First i want to prohibit all the unauthenticated users from sending emails.
It could be achieved with a following line in the FROM_ACCESS table:
TCP|*|25|*|*|SMTP*|*|tcp_local|*@*|* $C$}$6,_canonical_name_{$N$ -$ Authentication$ required$ when$ sending$ with$ this$ envelope$ sender$ domain$E
The second step is to block attemtps of faking From header, after successful authentication
(for ex. using stolen password, or personal account in a negative manner).
I've prepared the suitable lines, also in FROM_ACCESS table:
*|SMTP*|*|tcp_auth|*@*|*@$4* $Y
*|SMTP*|*|tcp_auth|*@*|*@* $N$_Sender$ address$ rejected$ for$ $4
It reject the use of tcp_auth channel when domain of authenticated account is different from the one used within the From header.
The third method take advantage of library (included in Messaging Server installation).
MeterMaid could be used to throttle the agressive usage of mail server.
I've used two rules (to block them all ;-) ).
First one restrict the number of connections (15) in a unit of time (60 s.).
It's assigned under PORT_ACCESS table:
*|*|*|*|* $C$:A$[/opt/sun/comms/messaging64/lib/,throttle,ext_throttle,$3]$N421$ Connection$ declined$ at$ this$ time$E
Related thresholds are defined with a configutil command or by edition of msg.conf:
metermaid.config.secret = [your shared secret to authenticate incoming connections]
metermaid.config.serverhost = [host name or ip address of your metermaid server]
metermaid.table.ext_throttle.data_type = string
metermaid.table.ext_throttle.options = nocase
metermaid.table.ext_throttle.quota = 15
metermaid.table.ext_throttle.quota_time = 60
# configutil -o metermaid.config.serverhost -v somehost.somedomain
# configutil -o metermaid.config.secret -v somesecret
and so on...
ext_throttle is defined by you throttling table name, and must be the same within the mappings and msg.conf files.
The second rule restrict number of total recipients sent to by a user (i've used the same limit values, but you could add the next throttle table with required thresholds).
It should be addes within the ORIG_SEND_ACCESS mapping tables:
tcp_auth|*|*|* $C$[/opt/sun/comms/messaging64/lib/,throttle,ext_throttle,$0]$NExcessive$ email$ sent$ -$ Please$ try$ again$ later$E
So, run imsimta cnbuild && imsimta restart and...
235 2.7.0 LOGIN authentication successful.
250 2.5.0 Address Ok.
250 2.1.5 marcin.wisnios@somedomain OK.
354 Enter mail, end with a single ".".
250 2.5.0 Ok.
250 2.5.0 Address Ok.
250 2.1.5 marcin.wisnios@somedomain OK.
354 Enter mail, end with a single ".".
250 2.5.0 Ok.
250 2.5.0 Address Ok.
250 2.1.5 marcin.wisnios@somedomain OK.
354 Enter mail, end with a single ".".
250 2.5.0 Ok.
250 2.5.0 Address Ok.
250 2.1.5 marcin.wisnios@somedomain OK.
354 Enter mail, end with a single ".".
250 2.5.0 Ok.
250 2.5.0 Address Ok.
550 5.7.1 Excessive email sent - Please try again later: marcin.wisnios@somedomain
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