How to automate the SpamAssassin feeding

This post is my answer to the Sun Wikis' entry about Enabling Anti-Spam functionality in Convergence.

Technologies used:
Messaging Server
RBAC - execution profiles

Messaging Server use the two variables to hold the email accounts for feeding anti-spam system
with the positive and false positive spam messages:

  • service.feedback.spam

  • service.feedback.notspam

But there is no embedded mechanism to deal with them.
Here comes my solution.

Every time the Convergence user marks the spam (ot not spam), with the appropriate button from its interface,
the mail is being sent to the address provided within the configuration.
The email messages accumulate in the accounts and waiting for the action.


  • fetching messages from spam account

  • teaching spamassassin with spam

  • cleaing INBOX folder

  • fetching messages from notspam account

  • teaching SA with ham

  • cleaning account


  • fetching messages from spam account

    1. imsexport

  • teaching spamassassin with spam

    1. sa-learn --spam

  • cleaing INBOX folder

    1. mboxutil -d

    2. mboxutil -c

  • fetching messages from notspam account

    1. imsexport

  • teaching SA with ham

    1. sa-learn --ham

  • cleaning account

    1. mboxutil -d

    2. mboxutil -c

Due to a fact the script will be invoked by root account, to get the access either to imsexport files or sa-learn with valid Bayes DB,
I have decided to use one of the Solaris RBAC mechanisms - profiles.

I would not describe the profile creation step-by-step, because the learning by example is much more valuable.

# /usr/sadm/bin/smexec add -H localhost -u root -- \
-n "SpamAssassin Administration" -t cmd -c /export/home/sa/bin/sa-learn -U 105 -G 102
Authenticating as user: root

Type /? for help, pressing accepts the default denoted by [ ]
Please enter a string value for: password ::
There is no Solaris Management Console Server running on localhost.
# svcadm enable wbem

# /usr/sadm/bin/smexec add -H localhost -u root -- \
-n "SpamAssassin Administration" -t cmd -c /export/home/sa/bin/sa-learn -U 105 -G 102
Authenticating as user: root

Type /? for help, pressing accepts the default denoted by [ ]
Please enter a string value for: password ::
Loading Tool: com.sun.admin.usermgr.cli.execs.UserMgrExecCli from localhost
Login to localhost as user root was successful.
Download of com.sun.admin.usermgr.cli.execs.UserMgrExecCli from localhost was successful.
You have entered a non-existent right SpamAssassin Administration.
# cd /usr/lib/help/profiles/locale/C
# cat RtSAAdmin.html
< HTML >
< HEAD >
< /HEAD >
< BODY >
SpamAssassin Administration right allows the user or role SA management.
< /BODY >
< /HTML >

Spaces has been added to HTML tags in due to blogspot problems with handling this kind of stuff within the post body.

# /usr/sadm/bin/smprofile add -H localhost -u root -- \
-n "SpamAssassin Administration" -d "Manage SpamAssassin" -m RtSAAdmin.html
Authenticating as user: root

Type /? for help, pressing accepts the default denoted by [ ]
Please enter a string value for: password ::
Loading Tool: com.sun.admin.usermgr.cli.profile.UserMgrProfCli from localhost
Login to localhost as user root was successful.
Download of com.sun.admin.usermgr.cli.profile.UserMgrProfCli from localhost was successful.

# tail -1 /etc/security/prof_attr
SpamAssassin Administration:::Manage SpamAssassin:help=RtSAAdmin.html

# /usr/sadm/bin/smexec add -H localhost -u root -- \
-n "SpamAssassin Administration" -t cmd -c /export/home/sa/bin/sa-learn -U 105 -G 102
Authenticating as user: root

Type /? for help, pressing accepts the default denoted by [ ]
Please enter a string value for: password ::
Loading Tool: com.sun.admin.usermgr.cli.execs.UserMgrExecCli from localhost
Login to localhost as user root was successful.
Download of com.sun.admin.usermgr.cli.execs.UserMgrExecCli from localhost was successful.

# tail -1 /etc/security/exec_attr
SpamAssassin Administration:solaris:cmd:::/export/home/sa/bin/sa-learn:uid=105;gid=102

So, running sa-learn by the user / role with "SpamAssassin Administration" profile assigned
allow access to bayes DB files with the proper rights.
Examples can be seen in the script code provided below.

# sa-feed.ksh
# feed SpamAssassin with {NOT}SPAM
# from file in mbox format
# author: Marcin Wisnios
# e-mail: wisnios at wisnios dot com

TDIR=$(mktemp -td) # temporary directory
FILE=$TDIR/INBOX # mbox file
MUSR=$(ps -o user -p $(pgrep -nf dispatcher) | tail -1) # messaging server runtime user
SUSR=$(ps -o user -p $(pgrep -nf spamd) | tail -1) # spamassassin runtime user
SPAM=$(configutil -o service.feedback.spam) # feedback account for spam
NOTSPAM=$(configutil -o service.feedback.notspam) # feedback account for not spam
BDBL=/export/home/sa/.spamassassin # Bayes DB location
SALEARN="pfexec sa-learn --dbpath $BDBL" # fixed part of sa-learn invocation

chown $MUSR $TDIR
chmod 0755 $TDIR

imsexport -s INBOX -d $TDIR -u $SPAM

[ -f $FILE ] && {
chown $SUSR $FILE

NSPAM_BEFORE=$($SALEARN --dump magic 2> /dev/null | grep nspam | awk '{print $3}')
$SALEARN --mbox --spam $FILE 2> /dev/null &&\
NSPAM_AFTER=$($SALEARN --dump magic 2> /dev/null | grep nspam | awk '{print $3}')

mboxutil -d user/$SPAM/INBOX
mboxutil -c user/$SPAM/INBOX

rm $FILE

imsexport -s INBOX -d $TDIR -u $NOTSPAM

[ -f $FILE ] && {
chown $SUSR $FILE

NHAM_BEFORE=$($SALEARN --dump magic 2> /dev/null | grep nham | awk '{print $3}')
$SALEARN --mbox --ham $FILE 2> /dev/null &&\
NHAM_AFTER=$($SALEARN --dump magic 2> /dev/null | grep nham | awk '{print $3}')

mboxutil -d user/$NOTSPAM/INBOX
mboxutil -c user/$NOTSPAM/INBOX

[ -d $TDIR ] && rm -rf $TDIR

Run the script in a way you like.
I put it directly to a crontab. Root's crontab.


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